Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Motivation and Conflict Resolution Essay - 753 Words

Motivation and Conflict Resolution Conflict in the workplace is detrimental to employee motivation. An essential part of motivating employees is fostering trust and providing job satisfaction. Effectively resolving conflict is critical to the success of the organization, but is only one aspect of employee motivation. There are motivational theories that help organizations understand workplace relationships, organizational behavior, and their effects on employee motivation. Improved knowledge of employee motivation and workplace conflict help organizations develop effective strategies for conflict resolution. Motivational Theories Maslow recognized†¦show more content†¦111). Some organizations apply content theories, identifying motivating behavior, and others use process theories, identifying the thought processes that motivate people. Organizations use a combination of the two types of theories to motivate employees. Some examples of how organizations apply content theory to meet employee’s needs and motivate them are when organizations offer additional benefits or compensation to motivate employees to improve performance. Performance-based pay raises motivate employees to excel by fulfilling their need for income. Commission-based pay motivation prompts employees to increase sales or production goals. Identifying thought processes that motivate employees is less straightforward than identifying needs. Process theory approaches rely on cognitive methods like positive reinforcement and conditioning, encouragement and recognition of employees when exhibiting positive behaviors increases chances for continual behavior. Conflict Management Strategies Occasionally, conflicts arise and the organization must devise ways to effectively manage the conflict. Conflicts arise as individual opinions, thought processes, attitudes, interests and needs differ (Management Study Guide, 2012). 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